Become a ChewbacchanALIEN Minister!


It’s official.  The Intergalactic Krewe of Chewbacchus is NOT just a Science Fiction themed Mardi Gras Parade Organization… We are also a satirical Space Cult!  We celebrate a timeless form of divine revelry.  Our ritual is to parade thru the streets of New Orleans each Carnival Season dispensing the blessings of the Sacred Drunken Wookiee!

For just $42 you can become an Ordained Minister in the Cult of the Sacred Drunken Wookiee!

Your ordination package includes:

  • An official ChewbacchanALIEN Ministers Card
  • Credentials of Ministry
  • Certification as a Wedding Officiant
  • Chewbacchus Marriage Certificate
  • Letter of Good Standing in the Space Cult

You will be added to the roster of Ordained ChewbacchanALIEN Ministers and invited to march in the pseudo-religious procession at the front of the 2015 Chewbacchus Parade in celebration of our all new muti-armed Sacred Drunken Wookiee Golden Effigy!

In addition your Chewbacchus ordination materials will enable you to preside over legal marriage ceremonies and other religious rituals:

Simply fill out a copy of the Orleans Parish Marriage Officiant Application and get it Notarized.

Then register as a religious officiant by submitting all of these materials to:

The Office of the State Registrar of Vital Records

1450 Poydras Street

Suite 400

New Orleans, LA 70112

For more information on the process of registering as a marriage officiant please visit the website of the Louisiana Department of Health and Human Services.

If you reside outside of the City of New Orleans, please check with your local authorities to determine your regional requirements.  They may vary slightly state to state but are typically very similar to the requirements outlined here.


Becoming an Ordained ChewbacchanALIEN Minister does not replace or superceed a membership in the Intergalactic Krewe of Chewbacchus.  You must also pay your yearly membership dues of $42 if you want to roll, march, wiggle or dance in the Chewbacchus Parade.

Ready to join our Satirical Space Cult?  Buy your Chewbacchus Ordination Package HERE.

Production time on Ordination Packages is approx 10 business days.  You’ll receive your goodies in the mail via USPS.


The Ordination Process to Become a ChewbacchanALIEN Minister is open to anyone.

1. Simply click on the Chewbacchus Ordination Package product.

You will be asked to enter a “password” to proceed.

2. Type in the correct response to this question:

What is the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe and Everything?

…and you will be able to add the Ordination Package to your shopping cart and purchase it to complete the ordination process.