Chewbacchus Little Free Library!


We are creating a Chewbacchus Little Free Library that will be installed outside the Krewe Den at Castillo Blanco, 4321 Saint Claude Ave. Our Little Free Library will be a sculpture of Chewbacchus the Sacred Drunken Wookiee himself made out of repurposed metal objects that also holds books!

We need donations of interesting metal objects for the sculpture including: pots and pans, bicycle parts and old tools. We need to raise approximately $300 to cover the hardware and construction incidentals (like raw steel, welding wire, welding gas, various consumables, hardware, paint, LEDs) for the project. And we need BOOKS! We prefer science fiction and fantasy novels and comic books for our Chewbacchus Little Free Library, of course.

There is a donation can now live on the IKOC website. If you have donations of materials and books please contact me for drop off times/instructions!