Upload Your Photos to Our Photo Pool


We pull our photos onto the site from our Flickr Photo Pool. Upload all of YOUR cool pics! Instructions for adding photos to our Pool:

1. Log into your Flickr account. Create one if you don’t have one
2.Join the Chewbacchus Photo Pool: https://www.flickr.com/groups/1648169@N23/
3. Upload all your photos to YOUR photostream
4. Go to Organize. If you don’t see it on the main menu, there is an arrow on the right side of the page where you will find it
5. Use the dropdown at the bottom of the page to put all the pics you just uploaded into the ‘ribbon’ (drop it down for the date you uploaded them and only those pics will be in the ‘ribbon’) then Select All and put in a “Batch” by dragging them up onto the main window.
6. Use the “Send to Group” item in the ribbon at the top of the page to add them to the IKOC photo pool. Click on the name of our photo pool in the little window that comes up.